Explain why araw salad of carrot or tomatoes and bell pepper should be sprinkled with oil before consuming it.
Explain why you should not double the dosage of cod‑liver oil when using it in apreventive way.
Water and mineral salts
Water and mineral salts are inorganic compounds that are eaten by humans and necessary for the correct functioning of our body.
Water composes around 60% of the body mass, and its amount decreases with age. It is the main component of cells and organs. For example: muscles have around 75% of water, brain: 70‑80%, while teeth and bones - 20%. Water in our body is auniversal solvent of chemical compounds, asubstrate and product of reactions that take place in the system, it participates in thermoregulatory processes and it drains the products of metabolism. Daily demand for water is 2,5 liters and depending on the age, type of work we do and the temperature of our surroundings. Water is provided together with food we eat – 1l, with drinks we drink – 1.2 l. It is also produced in our body as aproduct of metabolism in cells – around 0.3 laday. Water loss is connected with excretion (with urine – 1.5 l, faeces – 0.1 l, sweat – 0.45 ; the air we exhale – 0.45 l). The amount of water we intake and excrete should be balanced.
Mineral salts are present in small amounts and are constantly excreted (with sweat, faeces and urine), which is why they should be replenished. If there is ashortage of mineral salts, the body starts using the supply that is stored in organs, e.g. by using calcium from our bones and teeth.
Vegetables, fruit, milk and diary, wholemeal bread are very rich in mineral salts. They have numerous elements from which 30 are vital for the correct growth and functioning of our body. They have building function (calcium in teeth and bones, iron in hemoglobin), regulatory function as ingredients of hormones (iodine in thyroid), they participate in conducting nervous impulses (sodium, potassium). The amount of fluid in the body is also dependant on them (sodium, potassium).
Element | Occurrence | Meaning | Results of deficiency |
calcium | milk and dairy products, sauerkraut, cauliflower, broccoli | basic element of bones and teeth, participates in muscle work and blood clotting processes | problems with heart and muscle work, fragile and thin bones, rickets, teeth loss |
magnesium | wholemeal bread, bananas, nuts, beans, peas | supports the work of the nervous system, facilitates the intake of vitamin C, improves the condition of the nervous system | problems with heart work, muscle cramps, migraines |
phosphorus | green vegetables, fish, cereals, milk | ingredient of teeth, bones and ATP | rickets, caries, problems with ATP production |
iron | meat, green vegetables, groats | ingredient of hemoglobin | anaemia, cardiac disorders |
fluorine | tea, seawater fish, wholemeal bread, tap water (fluoridated) | strengthens your bones and teeth | rickets, caries |
Explain why salt is enriched in iodine (iodized salt), whereas atoothpaste is enriched in fluoride.
Match the names of vitamins or elements with the description of how they work in the body.
one of the elements of red blood cells; lack of iron leads to anaemia, influences correct sight, healthy look of the skin, growth and development, is responsible for building bones and teeth, builds bones and participates in the blood clotting process, supports the work of the nervous system and muscles, strengthens our organism, strengthens the blood vessels
Vitamin A | |
Vitamin C | |
Vitamin D | |
Magnesium | |
Calcium | |
Iron |
Nutrients are organic compounds: proteins, sugars, fats, vitamins, and inorganic compounds – water and mineral salts.
Vitamins and mineral salts are the ingredients that regulate the functions of our organism.
In order for our body to function correctly, it must be provided with around 2.5 lof water daily.
Present 3 arguments that confirm the thesis that every day diet should be rich in vegetables and fruit.
vitamins, biophile elements, dietary supplements
witaminy – związki organiczne, które pełnią worganizmie funkcję regulacyjną